韩国农业、食品和农村事务部农村发展管理局国立园艺植物科学院气候变化与农业研究所 Research Institute of Climate Change and Agriculture, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration-高级研究员 Senior Researcher
全球变暖情况下茶树种质资源的鉴定评价;Value evaluation of tea plant germplasm with global warming
茶叶品种改良核心分离群体的建立;Establishment of core segregant population for tea cultivar improvement
《 FT-IR光谱分析的基因组DNA数据在鉴别茶树种类中的应用》Genomic DNA data from FT-IR Spectroscopy used to discriminate between different species of tea tree
《韩国传统后发酵茶(Chungtaejeon)的微生物多样性分析》The microbial diversity analysis of the Korean traditional post-fermented tea(Chungtaejeon)
2013-01 至 现在
韩国农业、食品和农村事务部农村发展管理局国立园艺植物科学院气候变化与农业研究所 Research Institute of Climate Change and Agriculture, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration
高级研究员 Senior Researcher
1993-01 至 2013-01
韩国农业、食品和农村事务部农村发展管理局国立园艺植物科学院气候变化与农业研究所 Research Institute of Climate Change and Agriculture, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration