谷博司 Hiroshi Tani
日本静冈经济联合会JA-shizuoka keizairen-技术顾问Technical Consultant
茶树栽培;tea plant cultivation
茶树冻害防治;anti-frost damage
茶园机械化种植;mechanized cultvation
2010-01 至 现在
日本静冈经济联合会JA-shizuoka keizairen
技术顾问Technical Consultant
2006-01 至 2009-12
静冈县政府农林办公室Shizuoka Prefectural
Government Shida Agriculture and Forestry Office
推广部副主任Extension Deputy Director
2004-01 至 2005-12
静冈县农林研究所茶叶研究中心Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Tea Research Center
研究员 Researcher
1989-01 至 2001-12
静冈县农林研究所茶叶研究中心Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Tea Research Center
研究员 Researcher